Build Your Own Bundle - Macaloney's Island Distillery & Twa Dogs Brewery

Build Your Own Bundle

From: $314.97 $267.72

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Kildara was married from a select combination of Kentucky Bourbon, Spanish Oloroso, virgin American, and Spanish Pedro Ximénez (PX) casks. The result is a full bodied, triple distilled single potstill, island whisky with pronounced Oloroso and PX notes.

Kildara won ‘World’s Best Pot Still Whisky’ at the prestigious 2023 World Whiskies Awards.


Killeigh is delicate and refined. The use of Kentucky Ex-Bourbon wood allows our house style to shine through. Portuguese Moscatel casks and Virgin American Oak casks further embellish the whisky and make it one of our distillers' favourites!

Killeigh won Canada's Best Pot Still Whisky in 2022.

An Loy

An Loy, formerly known as Glenloy, was matured in a carefully selected combination of 60% first use Ex-Bourbon casks for a delicate, clean presentation, 15% from Dr. Swans wonderful Portuguese Re-Charred Red Wine barriques for pronounced oak and sweet red-berry contribution, 15% Oloroso, and 10% PX casks for wonderful, rich and delicate fruit cake and plums. Together they compliment the tropical fruits and creamy presentation of our new-make house style to create a marvelous single malt.

An Loy won Canada's Best Single Malt in 2021 & 2022 at the World Whiskies Awards.

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Cath-Nah-Aven is our salute to the great Sherried whiskies from the banks of the river Spey. This award-winning Vancouver Island single malt whisky was carefully matured in premium Oloroso and Pedro Ximénez casks from Andalucía in Spain. The casks were married by our Whiskymaker to create a complex red-berry, plum, raisin, fruit pudding, spice, and oak notes.

An Aba

An Aba, our Whiskymaker's lightly peated 'sherried', signature expression was crafted from a select marrying of Kentucky Bourbon casks, Spanish Oloroso barriques, Portuguese shaved-toasted-re-charred (STR) red wine barriques, virgin American oak casks, and Spanish Pedro Ximénez casks.

Complex and layered, you'll enjoy notes of fresh pine and oak, orange liqueur, lemon sherbet, rum and raisin fruit cake leading to prunes, dried figs and apricots. The whisky has a light peat finish with an essence of the seaside befitting our island location.

The new-make spirit underpinning An Aba won World's Best in the 2020 World Whiskies Awards. The mature whisky also recently won a Double Gold Medal at the Whiskies of the Worlds Awards.

Siol Dugall

Siol Dugall, our Whiskymaker's medium peated signature expression was married from a select combination of Kentucky Bourbon casks, virgin American casks, and re-charred Portuguese red wine barriques.

The nose is superb with pine wood smoke, light peat smoke and tropical fruit, rosemary, cedar, sandal wood. The palate has a velvety mouthfeel with sweet malty peat smoke, barley water, sweetpea flowers, clover honey, crème brûlée with burnt caramel, and fennel seed.

Siol Dugall was declared Canada's Best Single Malt Whisky at the 2023 World Whiskies Awards.

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Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 12.5 × 24.5 cm


Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 12.5 × 24.5 cm

An Loy

Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 12.5 × 24.5 cm


Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 12.5 × 24.5 cm

An Aba

Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 12.5 × 24.5 cm

Siol Dugall

Weight 1.6 kg
Dimensions 12.5 × 12.5 × 24.5 cm

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